Experience report on volunteering at Finca Noah (Pascal)

Pascal "In honour and respect for the animal world"

Monumental what Animal Police does for the animals on Mallorca with the highest professionalism and quality standards to enable them to live in dignity.

In every respect, one can only bow deeply to the commitment that goes into every fingertip and the scarce funds available to the animals in the home.

It's hard to imagine that anything else on a par with it is achieved in a similar way with so much dedication and sacrifice - a true role model.

I was able to gain an impression of a 10-day volunteer assignment on site at Finca Noah, which ended three weeks ago, and there has rarely been anything in my life, and yet I am already 56 years young, that has made me so meaningful, fulfilling and proud. It involves a lot of hard work and you can feel it in every muscle fibre of your body - you can see it as an extremely important school of life and physical and mental training anyway. I certainly felt that way, because afterwards I felt fitter than I had for the last 20 years or so.

Farah de Tomi, founder and main protagonist of this animal welfare organisation, is omnipresent around the clock despite her seriously debilitating illness. In short, I have come to know her as a sincere, very direct, fiery, impulsive and honestly loyal person. That is why, as expected of her personally, she does everything she can to ensure that the business is maintained with the highest standards of cleanliness and care. A large, fully equipped lounge is available for rest and meal times. It goes without saying that you are expected to pay for your own board and lodging (rooms can be rented) (shopping facilities are organised for food and drink) and to take responsibility for preparing your own meals. 

Actually, I only have one appeal to make to the readers and followers of these written columns: please make it one of your next actions to follow in my footsteps and those of many other people and to cement an imprint on the ground with the aim of sustainability. Farah de Tomi, her brilliant permanent position and the various volunteers who support her with heart and blood deserve your active investment in this life-sustaining mission for a limited or even better for an indefinite period of time.

In my eyes, Farah de Tomi symbolises the "Mother Theresa" for animals in need and I wish nothing more fervently that she can soon put her terrible illness in its place with her positive thinking, courage, zest for life and support of the human family close to her.

With the greatest possible gratitude and wishes for a secure future in love, well-being and health for animals and humans, I hope to be able to look forward to the next opportunity.

- Pascal Bulgheroni

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.




Hello dear and loyal newsletter readers. Every month I write to you about the stories and events of the rescued animals that stay with us at the finca.

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August 2024

Hello, dear and always loyal readers, I, Nadine, from the Animal Police Team, would like to welcome you again today and share my thoughts with you,

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July 2024

A very warm hello to you dear readers. Addendum to the June newsletter You have now had to wait patiently for 6 weeks to find out

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June 2024

Hello everyone, Nadine, I'm back with news from Finca Noah. Firstly I would like to tell you how things are going with the cat Snow and

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May 2024

Hello dear readers. This month I, Nadine from the Animal Police Team Mallorca, would like to tell you a bit about everyday life in animal welfare.

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April 2024

April, a month full of emotions... Nebraska is in a bad way Nebraska, our 26-year-old mare, has been causing us great concern for days.....In December 2022

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Help us to save the lives of animals on Mallorca!

My life belongs to the animals. I dedicate myself day and night to rescuing abused, injured and homeless animals on Mallorca. I built Finca Noah with my own funds to give these maltreated souls a second chance.

But now everything I have fought for is about to come to an end. I have been fined €200,000 following a complaint about unauthorised wooden stables and have been forced to leave the finca. I have been threatened that all my animals will be taken away and sent to the largest killing centre in Mallorca.

Now I need your help to save the lives of these animals. With your donation, we can create a new, safe home that meets all official requirements. Every donation counts and gives these animals the chance of a loving life they so deserve.

Charity gala for the animals on the Finca Noah - 27.11. at the premiere of "Salto - The show of a different kind

Be part of the charity gala on 27 November 2024 at Salto the show of a different kind without animals.