JUNE 2020

June was a great success for Animal Police! We were able to help so many animals and our Finca Noah has also made huge progress! It gives us great pleasure to tell you about this great month.


We are very happy to announce that the Finca Noah is finally finished. Such a success, after such a short time we could not even imagine in our dreams. The animals finally have their deserved paradise and can now feel even more comfortable and simply enjoy their lives. The whole association is very happy and proud of our president Farah, who has been working day and night for 5 months without a single break, investing all her heart and soul and most of all her time. THANK YOU to all the helping hands, motivating words and all the donors who have made such a beautiful place possible for the animals! Without you all this would never have been possible. Our big dream has come true - unbelievable! We still can't believe it and now, after the opening of the borders, we are looking forward to many visitors at Finca Noah!


We would like to thank Sandra Peter from the bottom of our hearts for an incredibly great partnership. Sandra has created us, fitting for these special times, mouth masks with the Animal Police logo. WE ARE THRILLED!

The masks are washable at 60 degrees and therefore reusable. You are welcome to order the Animal Police mouth masks from us for EUR 15.00.

100% of the proceeds from the masks sold will go to animal welfare.

mouthguard - Animal Police Association 

 Support the Animal Police Association and order the beautiful mouth guards right now: [email protected]. We thank you and look forward to your support!


Once again, Animal Police has received an incredible donation from Qualipet Switzerland received. The animal welfare activists and animals of the island of Mallorca danced with joy when Farah announced again that you can pick up food for needy animals at Finca Noah, for a small donation of 20 euros for the transport and customs costs and German taxes. Thanks to the company Qualipet Switzerland, which supported us for the second time. We are infinitely grateful that we can help so many animals with this food donation and do not know how we can put our thanks into words.

Qualipet Logo - Animal Police Association

But with the donation alone, the work is not yet done. The 33 pallets also had to be transported from Switzerland to the island of Mallorca - again during the COVID crisis. The transport companies TRANSCO and WURZER made it possible. The 33 pallets of food arrived at Finca Noah within a few days and Farah was again speechless - and that is saying something! We are simply infinitely grateful for this incredible support and thank Qualipet Switzerland, TRANSCO and WURZER from the bottom of our hearts! 


Animal Police was allowed to take in a new family member - Ferdinando. The Animal Police family has already fallen head over heels in love with the bull and is so happy that he can now enjoy his life to the fullest with Joke.

bull 3 - Animal Police Associationbull 4 - Animal Police Association

The story began with Eli's message to Farah, in which she reported that she rides her bike past a bull every day. The bull was in a very bad situation: it was held by a very short chain that got caught in the bucket of a tractor, so that it was not even able to lift its head. He gets neither water nor food and this in the blazing sun. Elis asked Farah for her immediate help. Farah did not have to be told twice and drove to the agreed meeting point in Montuiri. Arriving at the location, the situation of the bull was first examined and ended after only a few seconds with a shocking and shattering discovery: the chain was apparently put on the animal when it was still a calf and never adjusted again, so that it has grown into its head as the bull has grown. On closer observation, the animal welfare activists were able to determine that the chain had indeed grown about 3-4 cm into the head.

The following day Farah visited the bull at the finca again and shouted what the heck to lure the owner out of his unkempt finca. After about 30 minutes, he actually came out and asked about the problem. When Farah described the situation, he didn't want to understand the animal's predicament and said the animal was fine. Farah, however, insisted that the bull get water and offered her help to take care of the animal together. With great effort and the help of Maxi Lange, the animal welfare activists were able to explain to the owner that the animal was not being kept in a manner appropriate to its species and that this was a great torment for the bull.

But the disaster was just beginning! In the heat of the moment the owner decided to remove the chain if that was his wish and without further ado he drove away with the tractor and tore the chain out of the bull's head. The wound bled as if there was no tomorrow and the bull did not know what was happening to him and suffered indescribably. We can't even imagine the pain he had to endure....

A vet was then called, who sadly was not much help, only warning what a dangerous animal Ferdinando was and that he should be dismissed... Fortunately, another vet came to our rescue! The bull was given an anaesthetic to remove the remaining pieces of the chain. The vet turned out to be a disaster as well when he pulled the rest of the chain out of the bull with a jerk and called the poor animal a "murderer". The disaster took its course and the police and other people from the area got involved. Unfortunately, however, not in our favour, they made themselves ridiculous about worrying about the bull, because it was doing well. Finally the owner spoke up again and said that for EUR 500.00 the animal rights activists could take the bull. Knowing Farah, she immediately ran to the nearest bank and got the money to buy Ferdinando out. The policeman put a letter that this bull is now in the possession of the Animal Police Association and since then we are the proud owners of the Ferdinando christened bull.

Jose and a veterinarian he trusted came to the rescue at just the right moment. Jose examined the wound, treated the poor bull and took care of loading him for transport. Joke had agreed to take Ferdinando in until his injuries healed well. Thank you Joke for your big heart!

Ferdinando has gained a large fan community through Animal Police, which supports us in taking care of him and getting the necessary medicines. Sincere thanks at this point for the great support and all the helpers!

Now Animal Police is in the process of getting all the important papers for our Ferdinando so that he can soon go to a beautiful and well-deserved home. Our dream is that he can enjoy his bull life on a beautiful finca together with his own family. We will be happy to report again in the next newsletter about how Ferdinando is doing.

Since Ferdinando is not a small animal and likes to eat a lot of food, we are still dependent on donations and support to fulfill all his wishes. We, but especially Ferdinando would be very happy about donations with the note "Ferdinando" and we thank you in advance for your big heart for animals!

bull 1 - Animal Police Association


FROM Martina, an animal welfare activist on Mallorca, we have taken over a drake with a mother duck and three little ducklings, as well as a chicken with her 10 chicks. These fit perfectly to our Finca Noah, because they are all white. J We are very happy about the addition to the Animal Police family and the birds bring us a breath of fresh air and much joy.

fowl 1 - Animal Police Association fowl 2 - Animal Police Association

The Animal Police Team

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.






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August 2024

Hello, dear and always loyal readers, I, Nadine, from the Animal Police Team, would like to welcome you again today and share my thoughts with you,

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