APRIL 2019

Anouk & Anna-Maria Volunteers


Animal Police Association continues to fight for the dream of our own sanctuary. With every donation we come one step closer to the goal of putting an end to the cruel killing stations on the island of Mallorca and giving all animals the chance of a life without time limits and suffering. The "Gut Aiderbichl" in Austria serves as a model and goal. To achieve something similar would mean incredible things for Animal Police and we could set a milestone for the animal world on the island of Mallorca. Animal Police is happy to present the project:

We would like to thank all our supporters from the bottom of our hearts and continue to be infinitely grateful for every donation, no matter how small!


In April, Animal Police was able to give four of our little feline friends into good hands and loving homes. We thank the adoptive parents of the cats from the bottom of our hearts and wish our little animals a wonderful and loving future with lots of cuddles. The animals were in the cat rescue center SOS Animal in Calvia. Thanks to Maxi Lange and her team we have a close and trustful cooperation.
The hearts of the Animal Police team shone when three dogs were rescued from terrible living situations. In addition, Verena and her team did a great job by rescuing two more dogs from the killing station. We have also been able to secure temporary foster homes for all of the dogs. We are overjoyed that the five now have a brighter and better future ahead of them.


JuevesFor our little friend named Jueves, a black, about two years old "pastor mallorquin" we are urgently looking for a new place to live. A German family discovered the poor dog and contacted Silvie Schmidl, who immediately approached Alessandra Schulz with the request. Thanks to her and the help of the dear Alessandra Schulz, we were all able to rescue the dog from his miserable situation. He was kept on a very short chain since his birth and left alone and without anything in an uninhabitable finca. We would be so happy if we could find a loving and safe home for him and are incredibly grateful for any help! Temporarily he is in good hands and is developing more and more into a very friendly, clumsy and happy dog. Despite his sad fate, he is developing contrary to the expectation of an aggressive or fearful dog. It is a wonderful experience for everyone to feel his gratitude every day.


Alessandra SchulzAnimal Police is proud to welcome a new member to the operational team. Dear Alessandra, a thousand thanks for your commitment. She has been living on the island of Mallorca for two and a half years now and has dedicated her life completely to the animals. What could be more beautiful than to have such people like Alessandra, a real doer who does not talk too much, at your side. With full confidence we would like to give her in the future the responsibility of the planned reception center in the hands.


Our president, Farah de Tomi was allowed to be "eifach Mönsch" and show this to the whole of Switzerland in the series of the same name on the TV station "Schweiz 5". Of course the interview was mainly about her mission to help the poor animals and her passion with her heart project, the Animal Police Association. Once again, Farah made us so proud and touched our deepest hearts. The Animal Police Team would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Farah from the bottom of our hearts for her dedication, her commitment and for her incredibly big heart for animals!

You can watch the video here:


SOS Animal Farah

Since the beginning of this month, Farah de Tomi has been involved in the politics of Mallorca. She was asked to join the board of the animal welfare association "Baldea" in Mallorca to share her energy, creativity and extraordinary commitment to make even more great things happen for the animals with the power of this umbrella organization. We are super proud to know our president in such a great position, wish Farah much success as a politician and are quite sure that she will rock that too!


In the last week of April Animal Police had a visit from two energetic Swiss volunteers. Over the 5 days, the two super women Anouk and Anna-Maria accompanied us to write a project paper for their studies. They helped us wherever they could. Many thanks to both ladies for their great work and we hope that Animal Police was able to give them something to take with them on their way.

On June 5, Anouk and Anna-Maria will present their project work in Uhwiesen near Schaffhausen. You are welcome to visit and support them together with Farah during their exam.

Anouk & Anna-Maria Volunteers

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: