The Animal Police Association team looks back on an exciting year. We have had so many experiences together with our animals - beautiful as well as sad. We have learned a lot, laughed and cried, met many wonderful people and animal friends and made new friends. But above all, thanks to our community, we were able to help countless animals and help them to a brighter future and through this we were able to experience endless love and gratitude.

Here's a little photo spread from 2019:


for every support, for every donation, every encouraging word, every helping hand and simply that you stand behind us and believe in Animal Police Association! Without you we would never have the means or the strength to do so much for the poor souls on the island of Mallorca - thank you so much!


At the beginning of 2019, Animal Police was still in its infancy. We are incredibly proud of all we have already been able to accomplish for the animals and how much support we receive. We have been able to help so many animals, rescue them, nurse them back to health and place them in beautiful homes. But also in the society the association has already left a lasting impression and caused many people and animal owners to think differently and so slowly one knows us also on the island, completely under the slogan "not only talk, but do!", on it we are super proud. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the animal rights activists, animal lovers and animal protection organisations who work with us time and time again and give us mutual strength in our fight against animal suffering. We hope we will be able to change and improve much more in 2020. Finca Noah also deserves all our pride! First of all, we would like to thank the Racker Fan Club from the bottom of our hearts! The whole project would never have been possible if we hadn't received this incredibly generous donation and Racker Fanclub hadn't believed in us, Sincerest thanks! From a dream to reality in such a short time, unbelievable that we could at least make the beginning a reality. We thank you for every single donation, every helping hand and every motivating word! The new year 2020 can now come and we are ready with some places in our small emergency shelter to help even more animals!

Also in the new year, the Animal Police Team will continue to fight at full throttle for every poor animal soul on the island of Mallorca. We hope to achieve even more and are sure that together with you animal lovers, we will reach our goals.


Also the successful appearance on "Hundkatzemaus", where we gained enormous awareness, brought Animal Police a big step further. We thank VOX for this unique and great opportunity! We received a lot of feedback and calls for help, which we will definitely follow up on! And now we are really looking forward to the new season of "Adieu Home" on 3Plus, which already started and where Farah will be there with our association. we are super excited and hope you will also look in to get an impression of our work on the island.

The 3 episodes of Dog Cat Mouse can be viewed online on VOX:

- December 07, 2019, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- December 14, 2019, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- December 21, 2019, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


Thank you to just about everyone who has a heart for animals. "Animals connect," as Farah always likes to say, and 2019 has proven us that she is simply right!

Now we wish all a super great start into the new year and look forward to a year together with many successes for our animals.

Your Animal Police Team

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: