January was an exciting and great start into the new year 2020. We laughed a lot, cried a lot, were happy and were shaken. However, we are holding on to the beautiful moments with the animals and are happy to be able to tell you about them.
First of all, we would like to thank all our donors from the bottom of our hearts! You make it possible for us to continue to do so much for the poor animals on the island of Mallorca, to help, to do good and to bring joy. We are incredibly happy about what we can experience together with the animals and how much joy we can give only thanks to your donations!
The Animal Police team would be incredibly happy about a visit to Finca Noah! Our doors are always open for animal lovers and our little friends will be very happy about some cuddles!
Attention animal lovers!
Animal Police is pleased to announce that from the new year we can offer an animal holiday volunteering package at Finca Noah. Experience our heartfelt deeds live and support the association to do even more good for the animals on Mallorca. Experience the endless gratitude of the animals, which is probably the most beautiful thing for every animal lover!
You can find more detailed information on our homepage:
In January, three horses Linda, Nebraska and One&Only were allowed to move in at Finca Noah. The three were taken over nine years ago by a family from serious circumstances, where they only found a place under the open sky. In this situation they were exposed to all kinds of weather, be it blazing heat or torrential rain. Now the three of them were allowed to move into the new stables of Finca Noah and they feel "pudelwohl". However, when they arrived they were quite thin. Linda had to suffer even more due to a torn vagina. Fortunately, Animal Police had the funds and expertise to treat poor Linda. Now she is back home at Finca Noah and doing much better. Thanks to the donations we received, we were able to nurse Linda back to health to a happy horse and she gets to enjoy a roof over her head for the first time together with Nebraska and One&Only.
The Animal Police team was able to rescue a mother dog and her cubs. Tragically, two of the original eight puppies had already been sold, which is much too early at under 4 weeks! One puppy died on the spot and another one was allowed to stay with Marlen, who cares intensively for the boy, as it has to suffer from completely broken hind legs.
Now the mother and the five puppies animate the Finca Noah and fill it with endless fun, joy and action. But the six dogs are now looking for a new home to spend their lives. Marlon, Madonna, Marilin, Mozart and Monserat as well as their mother L'unica are Pastor Mallorquin, all healthy and super happy and trusting characters. We are happy about any interest in the sweet dogs.
Since the new season of Adieu Heimat aired on 3Plus, Animal Police has become a whole lot better known. We are infinitely proud that we can make a much bigger impact with this great opportunity and thank 3Plus from the bottom of our hearts!
The season will be on TV a few more times, and if you'd like to follow Farah's heartfelt acts live, we appreciate every single viewer every Thursday night.
Now we have already started the month of February and are looking forward to an exciting and successful time in the coming weeks!
Your Animal Police Team
Written by Robine Amendola