JULY 2019


In July, we have taken care of all the animals that have to stay somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in the blazing sun, with water on a daily basis. The Animal Police team is on the road every day during this hot summer all over the island to provide all animals with the necessary drinking water. We are again very shocked and incredibly sad about the deplorable conditions and the cruel attitude in this heat but glad that we can help the poor souls. Thank you to our team for the great effort!


We would like to start an appeal within the framework of this newsletter. We are already collecting blankets, pillows, baskets and anything else that will keep the animals warm through the winter. We ask our fans not to throw away anything that could help our freezing friends on the island and to help us with this big collection campaign. Together we can provide a warm and safe winter for the animals on the island. Our goal is to have a thousand blankets, pillows and baskets ready by the end of October when the cold sets in. We, but especially the animals, are grateful for every contribution!


Thanks to the kind-hearted people Jann and Manuela Rapp, Animal Police received over a thousand kilos of animal food. In July we were able to fill an entire horse transporter bought in Zurich and drive it to Mallorca. Until today, these thousand kilos of food have already been distributed to animal friends and animal protectors and many animals can be happy about the meals!
Once again many thanks to Jann and Manuela Rapp for this great food donation and we are already looking forward to the next food for all the animals on the island of Mallorca.


In July we were able to rescue about 40 animals from their suffering. Whether it was in the form of veterinary care, rescues from deplorable conditions or placements into new, happy homes. Animal Police is delighted with each and every rescue and would like to thank all helpers and adopters from the bottom of our hearts. Together with you we achieve an incredible amount of good for the animals on Mallorca and this makes us infinitely happy! Together we can give the freed and rescued animals what they already deserve their whole life: A nice home, health and lots of love!


DING DONG 3 babes - Animal Police AssociationWhen Ding Dong the cat was rescued from the street, very pregnant, she immediately won a big place in Farah's heart. She is a somewhat shy and suspicious, but very lovable cat. For this reason, Farah has now decided that Ding Dong can stay with her to enjoy her life. Thank you for this great opportunity for our Ding Dong!

In the meantime, Ding Dong has given birth to her five babies. Every single one is healthy and a happy kitten, which we are infinitely happy about! All kittens have already found a wonderful place to live and at this point we would like to thank the adoptive parents from the bottom of our hearts and wish the kittens as well as the families a wonderful time together!

ding dong - Animal Police Association Fendy and Fiona were even allowed to stay on the dream island Mallorca. Fendy is now the new family member of a super dear German family in Antrax. With the two children and the other cat of the family Dollinger, Fendy has great playmates and certainly she gets a lot of cuddles and love from this wonderful family! Fiona was allowed to go to Cala Millor to a very great Colombian family. We are sure that Fiona will get lots of love and she has found a wonderful place to live. Tim Wielandt, the Mister Switzerland of 2007, has also shown his heart for animals. Our Jamiro can now enjoy his life with Tim and his family and has really done well with these loving people! Also the other two babies Felis and Fiore have found a lovely home in Switzerland thanks to our vet Jann Rapp and his wife Manuela Rapp. The Illi family and the Wyss family have given the kittens a new chance and offer them a life to enjoy, laze around and cuddle.



We came to our power stallion via a very dear, German woman who contacted Farah and told her that there is a grey horse in Santiny who is full of flies and emaciated. He has become a wild animal and has to manage without water and food. Animal Police, of course, had to go there immediately. We gave him veterinary care, visited the owner and got permission for us to be responsible for the stallion. Vulcano is now finally getting food and water again. Three times a week he is visited by a horse trainer who works with him. We named him Vulcano because the one and a half year old stallion has so much dynamite now and never got a chance to live it out all his life. In the meantime he is very trusting and is very happy when you visit him. In autumn we are planning to castrate Vulcano and hope that he will find a place at Gabys Pferdehof. You will find out what happens next in the next newsletters.


Animal Police is still looking for a suitable plot for the dreamed Finca Noah. In the meantime we have looked at many other properties. However, our favorite is still the dream property in Campos, which we found in June. In order to realize our absolute dream, we still need EUR 200'000. We do not give up and stay with full throttle behind it!


On July 16, 2019, our Farah turned 50 years old. Of course, she celebrated this in the company of her loved ones! As I'm sure everyone knows, Farah's heart is completely filled with Animal Police and so instead of presents, she wanted to raise funds for her beloved animals. With success, she was able to get some donations flowing into Animal Police's coffers again.

The month of July has also brought us many new contacts and friendships, for which Animal Police is extremely grateful. We always work according to our motto: "Together we are strong!"

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: