We would like to make another appeal and ask for your support. The cold months are just around the corner and we are still collecting blankets, pillows, baskets and everything that will protect our little friends from the cold. By the end of October we would like to be ready with a thousand warmers as soon as the cold sets in. The animals on the island will be infinitely grateful for every contribution and will be able to cozy up in a warm blanket.


There is news about our power stallion Vulcano. Our "horse-gaby" has taken a lot of time to visit the stallion again and again. Fortunately, the owners themselves are now also taking great care of the young stallion and regularly bring him food and water. They are very grateful to us for helping them to take care of the animal. Now our Vulcano has enough strength to live out his dynamite. We are very happy and so grateful to our Gaby for taking such good care of Vulcano and for possibly adding him to the herd in the fall. The financing for the castration has just been organized and confirmed to the owners. Our power-friend has a great future ahead of him, thanks to the great teamwork of our network, thank you very much!


In July, the famous TV series "Hundkatzemaus" from VOX called on the help of Animal Police for a shoot on Mallorca. As always, the team was always ready and immediately rushed to help. Working as a team, Animal Police and the VOX team managed to rescue over ten animals. After this great rescue ducks, dogs, cats, goats and sheep could look forward to a better life. This was a huge success for all involved and a great honour for our association. You are welcome to watch the episode with our mission on VOX in September. Animal Police would like to thank Judith and her team from the bottom of our hearts for their great commitment and their big heart for animals!


Still struggling to make our dream come true, Animal Police has a property in Campos as a goal. Unfortunately, we still lack the financial means to realize our own "Gut Aiderbichl", in the form of "Finca Noah" but we are not giving up. We are still short of EUR 200,000 and we are fully committed to realising Finca Noah for our animals and all animal lovers!


The animal welfare community from Mallorca is in the fight against bullfighting. With a big demonstration in Palma we have set our sign to open the eyes of the world. The bullfights must not be appreciated as a tradition and people must become aware of what kind of torture this means for the bulls. You have to know that the animals not only have to feel agony and die on this evening, but are already tortured weeks before and trimmed to aggression.
Here is a video from a well known animal rights activist for more detailed information please all watch this film and forward the link to open the eyes of the world.


Animal Police was able to place many animals in beautiful homes in August. Most of them were animals who had to live a miserable life and today they can enjoy it in a paradise. We at the Animal Police Association are so proud and grateful to have such an incredible team by our side, who make the impossible possible. It is the joy of all, but most of all the joy of the animals, that motivates us and keeps us fighting for the right of the animals!

We are looking forward to an exciting September, which has already started very successfully and as always we are full of energy!

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



August 2024

Hallo ihr lieben, und immer treuen Leserinnen und Leser.Ich , Nadine, vom Animal Police Team, darf euch heute wieder begrüßen und euch mit meinen Zeilen,

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Juli 2024

Ein ganz herzliches Hallo an euch lieben Leser. Nachtrag zum Newsletter vom Monat Juni Geduldig habt ihr jetzt 6 Wochen warten müssen um zu erfahren

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Juni 2024

Hallo ihr lieben, ich Nadine, melde mich wieder mit News von der Finca Noah. Zuerst möchte ich berichten wie es mit dem Kater Snow und

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Mai 2024

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser. Ich, Nadine vom Animal Police Team Mallorca, möchte euch diesen Monat wieder ein bisschen vom Alltäglichen Leben im Tierschutz berichten.

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April 2024

Der April, ein Monat voller Emotionen… Nebraska geht es schlecht Nebraska unsere 26 Jährige Stute macht uns seit Tagen große Sorgen…..Im Dezember 2022 ging es

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März 2024

Ihr lieben,der beliebte Newsletter ist wieder Online. Ganz viele haben immer wieder gefragt wann der Newsletter wieder kommt. Wir möchten euch wieder an unserem Leben

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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: