APRIL 2020

Animal Police faces the Corona crisis and continues to go full throttle for animal welfare in April.


The situation on Mallorca is alarming, because of the food shortage and the fact that the animals are not allowed to leave the island. Thanks to her commitment, our Karin has managed to get an immense donation of food for all the animals on Mallorca. The companies QUALIPET and PETZEBA, as well as Virbac CH have contributed with almost 36 pallets of food, so that especially in this difficult time, our animal protection animals on the island of Mallorca can be supplied. Our Andi, who works for Animal Police Germany, has also proven that his contacts can perform miracles. He was able to organise several pallets of horse feed as well as horse accessories etc. via his brother, who works for Reifeisen (a food company).

For the transport of this large quantity (total 42 pallets) it was now up to us (Animal Police) to transport the goods safely and on time to the island. This turned out to be financially and logistically very problematic at first, but thanks to the help of the forwarding agency Transco Suisse AG and their contact to the customs, the goods could be brought across the Swiss border more cheaply despite difficult Corona circumstances. The way led to Bochum, where the forwarding agency Wurzer helped us to deliver the food for the unique animal welfare price to Mallorca. When the donations arrived at Finca Noah, Farah was speechless and again overwhelmed with how much goods this first truck arrived.

With tears in her eyes she unloaded the goods with friends and was once again speechless, but overjoyed!

It was "like Christmas, birthday and Easter all together", she shared. Her big heart for animals prompted her to send out a social media message that all animal welfare activists and owners on the island can come to Finca Noah to pick up food for the animals in need. Animal Police is overjoyed that we could help so many animals with all these donations.

Also a big thank you to Lilian, who has delivered the food to certain animal friends in the house. Thanks to our donors we were able to pay the entire transport and customs costs in a 5 digit amount.

Once again, many thanks to Karin, Dani, Andi, Manuela, Jann, Lilian and all the helpers who made this action possible, you are simply amazing and we are incredibly proud of our team!

Here is a picture gallery of our big food drive:

Flight Sponsors

As announced we would like to inform you about the uncomplicated and of course free adoption of a flight.

What does it mean to be a flight sponsor or to take over a flight sponsorship?

Flight adopters are travelers who take dogs or cats on their vacation or business flights as a "pet in the hold or cabin."

Very important: There are no costs for the respective flight sponsor.

The background is as follows: As soon as animals are transferred from Mallorca to Germany, Austria or Switzerland, a flight sponsor is required, as no animal is allowed to fly without an accompanying passenger. How can I become a flight sponsor and help an animal to a better life?

The flight sponsor should contact us some time before departure:

Animal Police 0041-763980906

or register free of charge in the flight sponsor portal: www.flugpate.com in. Here only registered animal welfare associations have the possibility to contact you.

Our animals are of course prepared for departure (e.g. EU passport with valid vaccinations, chip, tests etc).

The following airlines take animals on their routes: Condor, Edelweiss Air, Eurowings, Iberia, Lufthansa, LuxAir, Norwegian, Sun Air, Swiss, Transavia, TuiFly and Vueling.

Some airlines only take small animals in their hand luggage. We will be able to tell you this directly once you tell us your airline.

All costs are covered by the respective animal welfare association. The animal will be registered as "additional luggage" and completely free of charge for you by the animal welfare association with your airline.

At the airport, the flight sponsor meets the animal welfare officer. The animal is then checked in together at the counter and then taken to the special luggage counter, as the flight box without the dog has to be screened. The animal welfare officer checks in the animal together with you and your luggage - if available.

A small animal (dog/cat up to 8 kilos) flies with you in the cabin and larger animals in the air-conditioned hold of the aircraft. The flight sponsor must then only take the vaccination card of the animal in his hand luggage.The required flight box or animal flight bag is of course brought by Animal Police with the animalAt the destination airport, the flight sponsor collects his luggage with the car from the conveyor belt and then the box with the animal at the bulky luggage counter. In Switzerland, the flight sponsor must go to Terminal 2 and report to customs to declare the animal... If the animal is not declared, the veterinary office may confiscate the animal.

A member of the animal welfare organization and the new family of the animal will wait for you at the exit and then happily receive the dog or cat. (The contact details of the pick-up person will be given to the flight sponsor in advance. Our animals are of course picked up by our association and the new family.

A flight sponsorship is an uncomplicated help and for our animals the happy possibility to fly into their new life.

The Animal Police Team

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: