APRIL 2021

Animal Police - Finca Noah - from the beginning until today!

After 15 months of planning and re-planning, sweaty work, stress, uncertainties, doubts, tears, sore muscles, surprises and dead ends - and tons of moving building material, the main works at Finca Noah are finally finished. An overgrown hillside has been transformed into a perfect refuge for animals and humans.

Where today everything is in its right place and looks like a unified whole, in the beginning of 2020 there was nothing but the main house and Farah's vision. There were no buildings, no kennels, no stables, no enclosures, no paths, but all the more stones that had to be cleared out of the way - literally and figuratively. Farah, who has done a lot in her life, had no building experience and no idea how and where the kennels and enclosures should be placed, how big and how high they have to be, where the horses have their run, where the dogs sleep and the cats sun themselves - how to build a zoo, that is. But Farah wouldn't be the go-no-go Farah if she didn't have a plan in no time at all and put it into action full of verve in no time at all. Even more, in all the chaos she thought about the future right from the start and thought further: For the dogs, who may have to stay in the kennel for days or weeks until they can be rehomed, she had three huge (350 and 450 square meters) outdoor enclosures built, where the rescued dogs can now let off steam. Fun Fact: A couple of escape kings realized that Farah had never built a kennel before - and found a way to escape. Luckily they were lovely dogs and not problem cases, so no harm done. The holes are now being plugged and the fence strengthened so that all enclosures are absolutely safe and animal-friendly.

fincanoah beginning - Animal Police Association

But back to the beginning. The place where Finca Noah was to be built was, as mentioned, an overgrown plot with a residential house but without any infrastructure. Farah quickly recognized the potential of the 32,000 square meters of pampas and what could be realized on it.

Together with the veterinarian couple Manuela and Jann Rapp from Urdorf and the two Animal Police co-founders Robine and Brian, who shared Farah's visions from the beginning, plans were forged and thought about how much work and money could be raised to build a place for maltreated animals. One architect said it would take at least five years. But it should come differently.

No sooner had the decision been made to rent the land and start construction work than Corona also swept over Mallorca, bringing everything to a standstill from March 2020. But in this case, the negative situation also had something positive. Farah, who was all alone on the finca with her two dogs for weeks, was able to dedicate herself to the project almost 100% and put all her energy into the planning and realisation. She was able to give free rein to her ideas and her imagination. To create a sanctuary for maltreated and tortured animals was Farah's lifelong dream! Following the example of "Gut Aiderbichl" in Austria, Finca Noah should also be run with a lot of love and passion for the welfare of the animals.

horse stable construction - Animal Police Association kennel finca noah - Animal Police Association horse stable before - Animal Police Association horserack - Animal Police Associationhorse stable nacher - Animal Police Association  rabbit hutch - Animal Police Association

Farah often wondered what had possessed her to launch such a project. Sometimes she felt like Robinson Crusoe, who had to endure alone on the island. It wasn't the project that was to blame, but Corona, which had shut down everything on the island and because of the rigorous lockdown by the Spaniards - the property could only be left for essential purchases, travel was forbidden - Farah was completely isolated and on her own. And that was for around five months! WhatsApp chats, Facetime videos and phone calls with friends, the team and of course the deep love for the animals gave her strength to carry on.

Step by step, at the beginning of 2020, she started cleaning up at one corner of the huge property, first collecting all the rubbish and filling seven large rubbish bins. Then the approximately 32,000 square meters of land had to be fenced and paths laid and then the dog kennels, horse stables, cat enclosures, the chicken, duck, peacock and rabbit hutches, a bird cage, storage rooms for animal feed and shelters for the equipment were built, as well as a large enclosure for sheep (and in the meantime also for little deer Coco and ex-child riding pony Rambo). Finally - just a few weeks ago - a parrot aviary and a cottage for our valued volunteers were erected.

The construction of "Casa Jeannine" at the end of April 2021 was the crowning glory of the construction work at Finca Noah, which was celebrated with lots of Coca-Cola and ice cream! And to make sure that it won't be necessary to build again soon instead of helping, Farah has planned ahead: even more animals can be taken in than the 90 or so that are currently at Finca Noah (over 100 four-legged friends have already been placed in about a year)! Some of them were allowed to stay, because they could not be placed anymore. They have found a place to live at Finca Noah.

Farah's commitment to the animals on Mallorca and Finca Noah did not remain undiscovered, of course. The TV formats "Dog Cat Mouse" on VOX and "Adieu home" on the Swiss private channel 3+, have visited Farah and reported about her. For the Swiss emigrant program "Adieu Heimat" was recently filmed again on the Finca Noah, the program will be broadcast on 27 May 2021. One can be curious and can experience Farah and the animals up close. We are not allowed to say anything, but it will be fun! 

Now that the infrastructure is in place, Animal Police can fully focus and fight for what it was founded for in 2018: to rescue, care and provide for animals in need. Day after day, around the clock, animal welfare total, thank Farah!

The Corona measures and restrictions in Mallorca have been relaxed. You can come again, the "Casa Jeannine" is looking forward to new residents.

casa jeannine - Animal Police Association

In this cozy furnished cottage you will feel very comfortable during your time at Finca Noah. Besides the daily work with the animals, you will also have the opportunity to relax and enjoy your stay between people and the many animals.

APPLY NOW! The Animal Police team is looking forward to meeting you!

Registration: https://animalpoliceassociation.com/volunteers/

finca noah kennel - Animal Police Association

We ask you dear animal lovers not to forget us! The Animal Police Association has taken on so many tasks and challenges to save and care for animals. This all costs an enormous amount of money and our association depends on your donations. Because only you make all this possible!

finca noah peace - Animal Police Association

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.






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August 2024

Hello, dear and always loyal readers, I, Nadine, from the Animal Police Team, would like to welcome you again today and share my thoughts with you,

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