August was an absolute highlight!

Also in the month of August the team of Animal Police was able to rescue many animals. Among them 2 dogs and several cats. Our family at Finca Noah is growing and growing. Also there was growth on the Finca, a Pastor Mallorquin bitch with her 11 puppies may now feel comfortable with us in peace. As well as the babies of our cat "Catwomen". Our paradise is bubbling over with joie de vivre and there is no lack of action.

As nice as it is to experience all this and to be able to save the animals, the month also brought horrendous veterinary costs. It is not easy to get by as an animal welfare organization in such a time of COVID crisis. We are counting on our readers, our fans and donors not to let us down and to continue to make it possible for us to save many animals and to fight against animal suffering!

However, we would like to highlight one story in particular, because it is our absolute highlight.

When Animal Police moved to Finca Noah in January, there was nothing there yet. No kennels yet, no fence, no dog houses, nothing. At that time, a very special animal was rescued. The dog Unica came to Finca Noah. She was the first animal to be rescued, together with her 6 puppies, and nursed back to health at Finca Noah. With the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, the Animal Police team declared war on this disease and did everything in their power to ensure that Unica could have a healthy and beautiful life. Her 6 children could be placed in beautiful homes after 3 months, 4 in Mallorca and 2 in Germany.

Unica however stayed with us since then. She is a very big bitch, already over 3 years old, was raised as a "birth machine", she is all black and does not get along well with cats and sheep. Unfortunately we could never find a suitable place for her. In August, however, a very special visitor came to Finca Noah: Patricia Kelly with her family Denis and her sons Alex and Iggy with his girlfriend Eske. This wonderful family came to Farah to experience horseback riding. After this experience the family members wanted to meet some animals and Farah introduced Unica and told them about her fate. After only a few seconds, the whole family wanted to go in to Unica's kennel and a joy-fest began. Farah told "I have never experienced anything like this, this was really love at first sight!". Not 5 minutes passed and Patricia Kelly's family agreed to take Unica to their home. Farah was at a loss for words with happiness. It was like birthday, Christmas and Easter together and tears of joy rolled down her face. After so many nights spent with Unica, each time promising her that she would soon have a beautiful home where she would be loved unconditionally, Farah was finally able to keep her promise. Patricia and her loved ones are such an insanely kind-hearted family and of all people, they chose our Unica. This means so much to us, is so important to us and we are just overjoyed for our Unica!


The Finca Noah was happy about an extraordinary visit in July. The family of Patricia Kelly with Denis, Alex, Iggi and Eske visited and accompanied Farah for a few days. These moments together were not only enriching for Farah or Animal Police, but especially for the animals at Finca Noah. How much love this family brought to Finca Noah is simply unbelievable! We still can't believe what an infinite heart for animals this family has shown. Animal Police says, hats off! People all over the world can take an example from this family, so successful, so down to earth and then also such a big heart for animals, that one hardly knows where this finds place. THANK YOU !

You are welcome to watch the whole thing on VOX Prominent (Germany) under the following link:

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 14 at 08.15.16 - Animal Police Association
We will of course keep you posted on how Unica is doing with her new family.

Farah is back on 3Plus with Animal Police and Finca Noah. Starting August 31, every Monday at 8:15 p.m.. a new episode of Adieu Heimat with Farah aired and we are incredibly happy and excited. Thank you 3Plus for this new chance!

adieu home - Animal Police Associationfarah with horse - Animal Police Association

The Animal Police Team

Written by Robine Amendola

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: