Dear animal lover

What a turbulent last few weeks!

That's why it's only now that we're sending out another sign of life. We have tackled and implemented many things in the last weeks and months, but also had to deal with many obstacles and unexpected stumbling blocks.

Murta has found a family!

But first some good news. Dear Murta had been with us since July. Despite many enquiries, we could not find a suitable place for her on the island. After many inquiries, we decided to fly Murta to Switzerland so that she could be better placed there. However, these plans changed at short notice: Murta was allowed to travel to a new family in Germany and is now enjoying her new freedom there in her old age. We wish her from the bottom of our hearts that she will settle in well in her new home. Murta - we love you!

Roger & Farah in Santorini

In October, Farah and Roger were finally able to make the adventurous journey to the Greek island of Santorini and successfully bring four Labrador mix puppy siblings to Switzerland. Thanks to Nadja Wüethrich from the Tierschutzbund Basel Regional, we were able to place the four in wonderful homes (the videos of this are available here

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A bitter setback

Unfortunately, we had to accept a serious setback in terms of personnel in October. Mike, our yard manager, left Finca Noah, which left us with a big gap in our daily work on the farm. But many friends helped us out during this time, lent a hand on site or tried to find new animal lovers through friends, acquaintances, newspapers, the internet, etc. to strengthen our team at Finca Noah.

Despite the adverse circumstances, the welfare of the animals has always been our top priority. And so we have been able to place numerous cats and dogs with new owners in the last few weeks, which makes us very happy. A big thank you to our vets Manuela and Jann Rapp, who always make the impossible possible!

Villa Starky

A special highlight for us in November was the construction of the "Villa Starky" extension. A big thank you to the Stark family who made this possible in the first place! Where before two rickety plastic huts served as food preparation station and storage, there is now a spacious wooden building which, in addition to the food preparation area, also contains a small laundrette. Yes - a dog washing station that we are particularly proud of! 

Lluna needs you!

Finally, a cry for help: Unfortunately, the lovely dog Lluna has been with us at Finca Noah for far too long. She was handed over to us together with her sister in April. Her sister was able to travel to her new family just one month later. Since then, Lluna has been waiting impatiently, hoping that fate will also be kind to her. She is such a great, loving dog for whom we desperately wish for a new home. Have a look here

petfinder - Animal Police Association

Our Christmas wish

In the meantime, there are only a few days left until Christmas. We only have one wish on our wish list: Your financial support! Together, we can achieve so much in terms of animal welfare here on Mallorca, we can foster and place many four-legged friends - but we are dependent on your donations and support. Our animals are happy about every small and of course big contribution. Every franc/euro counts!

The whole Finca Noah team wishes you a peaceful and above all healthy holiday season!

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



Juni 2024

Hallo ihr lieben, ich Nadine, melde mich wieder mit News von der Finca Noah. Zuerst möchte ich berichten wie es mit dem Kater Snow und

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Mai 2024

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser. Ich, Nadine vom Animal Police Team Mallorca, möchte euch diesen Monat wieder ein bisschen vom Alltäglichen Leben im Tierschutz berichten.

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April 2024

Der April, ein Monat voller Emotionen… Nebraska geht es schlecht Nebraska unsere 26 Jährige Stute macht uns seit Tagen große Sorgen…..Im Dezember 2022 ging es

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März 2024

Ihr lieben,der beliebte Newsletter ist wieder Online. Ganz viele haben immer wieder gefragt wann der Newsletter wieder kommt. Wir möchten euch wieder an unserem Leben

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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: