Written again this month by Farah herself.

Wow already October ..... we are approaching winter and the poor animals here on the island really have nothing to laugh about.

 When I get up in the morning, everything outside is through the dew, wet and cold. This humidity here on the island not only gets into the bones of the people, but also the animals.

We are preparing the kennels, which have to be made winter-proof again. Fortunately, I have already bought at the beginning of the year Plexiglas films, which we now attach to the kennels, so that the cold, the rain and the moisture can not penetrate too firmly into the dogs / cats kennels.

It hurts my heart when I think of the dogs, which are simply attached by the locals to a chain, sometimes no longer than 2 meters, on a tree and are left to the fate of the winter season. Partly these poor animals do not even have a roof over their heads and are not protected from any weather.

What can I do to put an end to this suffering? Free all dogs from it? Explain to people that this is no way to keep a dog? Buy the dogs a kennel and warm blankets? What should we do to give these animals a winter that would be bearable for you? This month I have really suffered.

Aixa the black mare

A dear German woman asked me for help with a mare that was so emaciated that she could hardly stand.
I didn't think about it for a minute and drove off in the car towards the location that the lady had sent me. I thought I was going to be knocked out when I saw this poor mare in front of me. Emaciated to the bone and a look that just screamed for food. We weren't on site 10 minutes when the owner already came and wanted to condemn me from your property. Then I "saw red", gave her a friendly look and told her: She had 2 options, either I call the Seprona (animal police on the Balearic Islands) or I take the poor animal at our expense to Finca Noah. After a long back and forth, she gave me the written consent that I may take the mare for at least 3 months to us.

aixa 1 - Animal Police Association aixa 2 - Animal Police Association

For 3 days I did everything in our power for the loving Aixa and suddenly the owner was back with a police threat. She wants to have the mare back at home and now knows that she made a mistake and she could take over the feeding. Unfortunately this is the law, that the owner is allowed to bring the animal, which was not even shipped, back to his home, even after a written agreement. I try to visit Aixa again and again and have promised her very firmly that I will not forget her and will take care of her. After such a short time, 3 whole days, and I had already fallen in love with the lovely mare and just had to let her go.
I promise you that I will continue to look after Aixa and keep you informed.

Rabbits, you get a paradise on earth!

We are in the middle of the construction for the rabbits, the sheep: Joseph, Mary and Jesus as well as our deer, Coco.
For the rabbits we build an enclosure of no less than 200 square meters. The 3 little sheep get, together with Coco, a whole 3000 square meters of space. There they can really let off steam and certainly have a great animal life with us. We try to finance the whole thing with donations, which are unthinkably important for us. You are welcome to continue to support us for this great project, the enclosure! In 10 days it should be ready, so that our animals can finally move into it. Gladly I make you about the opening, then also immediately a video.

Donna the Boss & Leona

Also this month we were able to rescue a lot of animals. From horrible husbandries as well as animals which were abused and beaten daily.

Donna and her puppies
Now all our 11 puppies including the Mamma "Donna" are with their families.

donna and puppies 1 - Animal Police Association

The Boss
Only the boss, is with us at the Finca Noah and waits until he can finally fly. The last of all may namely in the Swiss mountains to St. Moritz.

the boss - Animal Police Association the boss 2 - Animal Police Association

We are all looking forward to the fact that Boss has now also found his home. Only the Boss will surely ask himself, what is the meaning of this, that he has to go to these icy temperatures. Have a good trip my darling, you will love the snow! J

Leona our soul bitch
Leona is officially in heaven...... But only officially.....
She should enjoy it for a long time and be able to live her life as well as possible with dear Silke!

leona - Animal Police Association

So, now this month with lots of emotions is over and I am already looking forward to the next month and I am curious to see what animals it will bring.

Your Farah

Written by Farah de Tomi

Help to save the animals in Mallorca from the streets. Every contribution goes 100% to the animals. All organization members work charitably and receive no compensation for their efforts.

Also by liking, commenting & sharing you can help us make life better for the animals here on Mallorca.



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Animal lover wanted in Mallorca!

We from the non-profit organisation Animal Police, which takes in stray, abandoned or injured animals from the street and nurses them back to health at the beautiful Finca Noah, are looking for support. Want to get involved on the ground in Mallorca and help rescue and rehome animals? Help with the construction of kennels and enclosures, look after the upkeep of the farm? Take care of the animals, feed them, play with them and take them for walks? There are many ways to make yourself useful with us.

Are you interested in supporting us and the animals? We look forward to receiving your application and will be happy to provide you with information: